Tuesday, December 29

And the Oscar goes to...

Fuck. I can't believe i'm such a good actor.

But i guess it's needed, to mask the pain and veil the hurt. To pretend to everyone else that there's nothing wrong. Fuck, sometimes i'm so good i can even fool myself. I guess i really am deserving of an Oscar. And maybe if i tried hard enough, i could believe that everything is fine and the fucking pain will go away.
(And pigs may fly.)

And yeah, i'm perfectly fine and everything else i've just said is crap and should not be taken seriously, even if they really sound like they should be.



Saturday, December 26

Hearts Burst Into Fire

I never thought that someone could affect me so much and so deeply. Being with you...is like lifting a veil frommy entire being. I feel so much more at ease and just so much more myself when i'm with you. And i feel like we're just so meant for each other.

So i guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that i can't be without you. When i'm alone in my room, when there's nothing to do to keep my mind occupied...that's when it hits me the hardest. I hate it that i can't do anything to change it. That even though i know this shouldn't be happening, that we belong together, i just can't stop us from being torn apart. And it's killing me inside. You said this isn't the end, that it can't keep us apart. I know that, but funnily enough, it's hurting like it really is the end.

I know how much you hate it when i'm emo. So i'll make you a promise right now. I promise never to be emo again. At least not in front of anyone. No one will see me cry. No one will have to comfort me when i'm feeling really fucked up, 'cause i promised not to be emo. I just won't be. I promise you.

I see your face in my mind as i [walk] away
None of us thought it was gonna end that way
People are people and sometimes we change our minds
But it'skilling me to se you go after all this time

Music starts playing like the end of a sad movie
It's the kind of ending you don't really want to see
'Cause it's tragedy and it'll only bring you down
Now i don't know what to be without you around

And we know it's never simple, never easy
Never a clean break, no one here to save me
You're the only thing i know like the back of my hand
And i can't breathe wihtout you, but i have to breathe without you, but i have to

Never wanted this, never want to see you hurt
Every little bump in the road i tried to smooth
But people are people and sometimes it doesn't work out
Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall

And we know it'snever simple, never easy
Never a clean break, no one here to save me
You're the only thing i know like the back of my hand
And i can't breathe without you, but i have to breathe without you, but i have to

It's two a.m., feeling like i just lost a friend
Hope you know it's not easy, easy for me
It's two a.m., feeling like i just lost a friend
Hope you know this ain't easy, easy for me

And we know it's never simple, never easy
Never a clean break, no one here to save me

And i can't breathe without you, but i have to breathe without you, but i have to

I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry

I promise to be good from now on. Those memories of you and me will be my protection against my nightmares, my talisman against my inner demons. There's no need to say that i won't forget you for as long as i live, 'cause you're my only reason for living. Forgetting you would be the same as losing the only reason to keep breathing. The only reason for my heart to keep beating.

I love you.

Run baby run, forever we'll be you and me


Friday, December 11

Russian roulette is not the same without a gun

Fairytales always have happy endings. But i guess that's 'cause they end when the writer stops writing. And more importantly, they're just stories. Things that could never happen in real life. Fairytale princesses and princes, riding on their white horses into the sunset and happily ever afters... That can't and won't ever happen in real life.

I guess girls always dream of their Prince Charming on a white horse, their knight in shining armour, someone to hold them in their arms and tell them that everything will be alright. I know, 'cause i used to. Been there, done that. But that's just it. It's just a freakin' dream. And you'll always wake up from a dream, and dreams will always fade away. The more you hold on to it; the more real the dream seems... It just hurts hell lot more when you wake up.

I guess i'm gonna wake up soon. And i already knowthat it's gonna hurt like hell. And that for every additional moment i spend in this dream of you and me, the pain that i feel when i wake up will intensify. But somehow, just maybe, i can live with the pain. Maybe it won't kill. It'll just remain a constant reminder of what once was and what could have and should have been.

I suppose this isn't anyone's fault. Not yours, not mine, not theirs, much as i would love to blame them. Or maybe just a little bit mine. Mine, for daring to think it could possibly last. Mine, for tempting fate. But just as the blame is mine, so is the pain.

You once told me that if i didn't love you anymore, yu'd detach yourself emotionally. Maybe the end of the year is a good time to do that. After all, a new year signifies a new start. And what could be a better way to start anew? You know i'll always be waiting, but maybe i should just be forgotten. Out with the old and in with the new.

Some days, when i feel hopeful, anything seems possible. Huh. But most days, i think there's no such thing as a miracle, i'm never really gonna get what i want. And there's no friggin' way i'm gonna survive this, intact.
But...whatthefuck. I guess i'll just deal with whatever comes.

So i guess i know what impending doom feels like. And i think i'm sinking to a new level of passivity. 'Cause now i don't ever feel like doing anything. Or, to be precise, nothing means anything to me now. I don't want to do anything, i only do stuff 'cause i need to. I guess, in a way, i'm breaking down. And i can't stop it, or maybe i don't want to stop it, 'cause maybe before it gets any better, [i'm] headed for a cliff. And in the freefall i will realise that i'm better off when i hit the bottom. Maybe letting myself break down is a better choice. Better than pretending to myself and everyone else around me that i'm fine, when i'm so obviously not.

I'm walking a fine line, the sort i'm forced to, and the sort that i can't fail. I'm walking that fine line between someone with personality and preferences, and someone who listens to her parents and teachers and coach without fail and lives up to their high expectations. Someone you love, and someone eveyone else expects me to be. Maybe i shoud just give up this losing struggle. Be who i should be, what everyone wants me to be. What is expected of me, a projected image, a mirage, instead of the real me. Or maybe i should end all this shit, with the only way i know how. Running away. Running from the responsibilities and expectations, to somewhere i can rest in peace.

I'm just so tired. Of people making demands. Of people expecting me to do all those things. Of doing things to make them happy, when i have no interest whatsoever in what i'm doing. Of doing things, working hard, just to get their approval. FUCK. I am so sick of it all. Fuck.

all i wanted was you

Later. If i'm still alive.

P/S: as if anyone cares.

Friday, November 13


No, not the song. Me. No, i'm not on drugs or anything illegal like that. Only that i'm sure trying to get me off THIS drug is gonna be so much harder. Mind over matter, you say. But you see, the problem is that for me, in this case, it's all 'cause of the mind.

Haiz. I don't even know what the shit i'm writing anymore. And i guess i don't really care anymore. Suddenly i don't even feel like blogging. And it's so damn ironic, 'cause i'm losing the one reason why i don't blog, so theoretically i should blog more. But then again... welcome to real life, i guess. Where nothing really makes sense.

So this is gonna be a really short post. Yeah. Life sucks, etc. Fuck it all.


Saturday, October 10

Last friggin' one

The end is near.

Lol. I meant the end of exams. So here i am, researching for that crappy CID paper they added just to make us suffer more. Yeah, sadistic SOBs, i know, i know. So yeah, no time to talk, blah blah. Was nice typing this. See ya when i'm done with this crap. Aka exams. Yeah, i'm one depressed person. I know.


Thursday, July 9


The Part of You That No One Sees is Afraid

You are passionate, romantic, and emotional.

You put love first in your life, even though you have often been disappointed by it.

You expect to be swept of your feet, and you never expect infatuation to die out.

Underneath it all, you are scared that you aren't lovable.

Your insecurity has ruined many relationships, as you are unable to see the love that's really there.

You are secretly afraid of being alone. Confronting your insecurities is incredibly painful.

Your Inner Pop Princess Is Kelly Clarkson

"Grew up in a small town

And when the rain would fall down

I'd just stare out my window

Dreaming of what could be"

No doubt about it, you have star quality. Might just take a while to get there.

Your Taste in Music:

Teen Pop: High Influence

Alternative Rock: Medium Influence

Adult Alternative: Low Influence

Nineties: Low Influence

Pop: Low Influence

You Are 32% Girly

You are a pretty hardcore tomboy, and a very free spirit.

Gender roles be dammed, you like to do things your way.

You Are Scary

You even scare scary people sometimes!

You Are a Rocker Girl!

If you don't have musical talent, you've got a talent for picking out great CD's.

Music rules your life - and you've got the best MP3 collection of anyone you know.

Many guys find you intimidating, but a select few think you're the catch of a lifetime.

Start hanging out in more used record stores, and you'll find love with a fellow rocker!

You Will Sleep With 1 Person

Better get cracking!

Your Relationship Will Last... A Long Time!

Your guy is ideal, as close to Mr. Perfect as he could be

If you took this quiz, you may be doubting that...

Don't! No guy is perfect but yours comes really close

You guys will last for many years, as long as you appreciate him!

It's 90% Love and 10% Lust

You and your guy are truly in love, even if that spark seems to be a little dimmer.

Your Famous Movie Kiss is from The Empire Strikes Back

"Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited."

You're a Romantic Kisser

For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance.

You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea.

For you, the perfect kiss involves the perfect mood.

It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet.

You Are Trusting In Love

You fall in love quickly and easily. And very often.

In relationships, you tend to be a bit selfish.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.

You Can Make 53% of Your Crushes Fall in Love With You

You certainly have this dating thing down - and you know how to charm most people.

And when your charm seems broken, just think back to what has worked in the past.

You have the tools to make almost anyone fall in love with you - you just have to put them into action.

Roses Say You're Very Affectionate

You are a classic romantic who believes in true love.

You often experience deep emotions and feel warmth toward almost everyone.

You are a bundle of positive feelings and sweetness.

You can are easily hurt, and people should be careful with your heart.

You Are Catwoman

"Life's a bitch. Now so am I."

You Are 67% Bitchy

While you may not think of yourself as the ice queen, admit it, you're often in a bad mood.

And it's those around you who often bear the brunt of your annoyance, even if they haven't done anything wrong!

Your Lust Quotient: 43%

You are definitely a lustful person, but you do a good job of hiding it.

Your friends would be surprised to know that your secretly very wild!

You Are 16% Slacker

You are anything but a slacker. You're truly a go getter.

You never let laziness get in the way of living your life - and you can't stand to see it in others.

You Are Bold And Brave

But are you daring? Not usually.

You tend to make calculated risks.

So while you may not be base jumping any time soon...

You are up for whatever is new and (a little) exciting!

You Are Fearless

You have great dreams and unrelenting ambition. You go for what you want, and it's hard to deter you.

You are incredibly competent and intelligent. You've had a very high success rate in your life.

You tend to dominate people. You have a very strong personality, and others tend to heed to your demands.

You're confident enough to be considered arrogant. You tend to think of other people in terms of what they can do for you.

Your Love Life is Like Titanic

"Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless."

You think that you only really have one true love in your life. And that you better to anything and everything to be with that person.

You tend to be very nostalgic about past loves that didn't work out. There are many secret feelings that you keep to yourself.

Your love style: Deep and emotional

Your Hollywood Ending Will Be: Bittersweet

You are a Total Romantic

For you, love is like a fairy tale.

Or magic. Or a Meg Ryan movie.

Problem is, you sort of want all three.

You bring the spark in the relationship

In turn, you expect your guy to keep the fire burning

Not a bad deal, as long as you find the right Prince.

You Are Chocolate

You make people feel euphoric and dreamy. You're very addicting.

You definitely drive people to passion, lust, and even obsession.

While you are quite sensual, you are also comforting.

You sure know how to work your magic. It doesn't take long to get someone to love you.

Your Ideal Marriage Proposal Is

After dinner at your favorite restaurant, at the spot where you first kissed.

You Should Honeymoon in Europe!

You are a traditional romantic at heart...

With a taste for fine wine, museums and beautiful walks.

You and your sweetie should get romantic in a cafe in Paris

Or get a Eurail pass - and see as many cities as possible!

Suggested destinations: Paris, Venice, London, Greece

Your Dress Says You're Upscale Stylish

Your Personal Style:

Classic and elegant. You prefer to make a statement with a few quality pieces.

Your Ideal Wedding:

Traditional and formal, but not tacky. You think the most beautiful weddings are understated.

Your Philosophy on Marriage:

It's a serious commitment, and the couple entering it should be ready to work for their relationship.

Your Perfect Marriage:

Is calm, stable, deep, and meaningful.

You Are a Skin Deep Sweetheart

You may be supermodel gorgeous or a plain Jane.

It really doesn't matter, because you're confident and secure.

You don't go out looking like a slob, but you are low maintenance.

You have better things to worry about than whether your nails are the right shade!

The PJ's You Are Most Like: His Shirt

You're a loyal and caring girlfriend who can't get enough of her man

So much so that you love to have him with you 24-7

And when he's gone, wearing his shirt is the next best thing

He's a Great Boyfriend

You guy definitely loves you and knows how to treat you right.

You have a five star boyfriend - so make sure you treat him right too!

You Are a Blue Crayon

Your world is colored in calm, understated, deep colors.

You are a loyal person, and the truest friend anyone could hope to find.

On the inside, you tend to be emotional and even a bit moody.

However, you know that people depend on you. So you put on a strong front.

Your color wheel opposite is orange. Orange people may be opinionated, but you feel they lack the depth to truly understand what they're saying.

This is cute. =)

You Are a Soft Kisser

Your kissing style is understated, but effective

You give soft, sweet, and soulful kisses.

And the key is, you only give kisses to someone incredibly special

Because you don't just go around kissing anyone

Your Envy Quotient: 42%

You are an envious person, but only at times.

Perhaps certain situations trigger your envy. Or maybe you're especially jealous when you're feeling insecure.

Instead of letting that green monster out, work on making your own life better.

And then maybe people will be envious of you.

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is high.

You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person.

And in return, you expect the same from who you love.

Any sign of straying, and you'll end things.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is medium.

You probably have had a couple significant loves.

And you may have even had your heart broken.

But you haven't really dated a wide variety of people.


Your dominance is low.

This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.

You know a relationship is not about getting your way.

And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.


Your cynicism is low.

You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.

No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.

You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.

And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.


Your independence is low.

This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships.

It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life.

In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together.

You Are a Purple Flower

A purple flower tends to represent success, grace, and elegance.

At times, you are faithful like a violet.

And other times, you represent luxury, like a wisteria.

And more than you wish, you find yourself heartbroken like a lilac.

You Believe that Love is Devotion

When you think of love, you think of committing to one person for the rest of your life.

In love, you see things how they could be. You are wrapped up in your own dreams.

If you are in love, you like to keep it a secret for a while. It feels more special that way.

You are somewhat patient in love. You can wait for the right person, but once you have found the right one, you're very impatient.

You Are 36% Abnormal

You are at medium risk for being a psychopath. It is somewhat likely that you have no soul.

You are at high risk for having a borderline personality. It is very likely that you are a chaotic mess.

You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.

You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.

You are at low risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is unlikely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

Ookay... So maybe i AM a psychopath.

Your Quirk Factor: 45%

You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it.

Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them!

Your Eyes Should Be Brown

Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom

People find you to be: Loyal, honest, and comforting

Your best trait: You are comfortable with who you are, and you don't pretend to be someone you're not

What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart

You Are 76% Borderline

Many signs point toward you having a borderline personality.

It's probably a good idea to seek therapy. Or at least read a self help book.

Your True Love Is an Aquarius

Why you'll love an Aquarius:

Independent yet devoted, you'll appreciate the unique approach to love Aquarius takes.

You both see love as a bit of a game, and Aquarius will challenge you until you're completely hooked.

Why an Aquarius will love you:

You're secure enough to give Aquarius tons of space - even if it means separate interests and friends.

You have the brains to keep Aquarius engaged and curious. And the passion to change the world together!

I swear i didn't look at the answers first or anything. =) But it rocks.

Your Wrath Quotient: 66%

Everyone around you pretty much fears your wrath... which is probably what you want.

But just remember, there's a very thin line between fear and hate!

You Are 68% Pure

Well, you're not exactly an angel - but you're pretty darn close.

You don't have much of a naughty past... nothing all that scandalous anyway.

But there's a good chance you have a couple juicy secrets deep in your closet!

You've had a couple wild adventures. And you probably keep the details to yourself.

Your Element Is Fire

Your passion and emotion are as obvious as the brightest flame.

You make sparks fly, and your passion always has the potential to burst out.

You are exciting and creative - and completely unpredictable.

You sometimes exercise control, and sometimes you let yourself go.

Friends describe you as sensitive, spirited, and compulsive.

Bright and blazing with intensity, you seem mysterious and moody to many.

You Have Many Alpha Tendencies

You're not a total alpha female, but you certainly know how to - and like to - get your way.

You're forceful without being intimidating. You're confident without being vain. A perfect mix.

Your Superpower Should Be Manipulating Fire

You are intense, internally driven, and passionate.

Your emotions are unpredictable - and they often get the better of you.

Both radiant and terrifying, people are drawn to you.

At your most powerful, you feel like the world belongs to you.

Why you would be a good superhero: You are obsessive enough to give it your all

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Your moodiness would make it difficult to control your powers

You Are a Dragon

You are very charismatic and incredibly popular.

People are drawn to your energy, but you are a very difficult person to get to know.

You are very active. You are usually hard at work or play.

You enjoy drama, and you enjoy anything unusual or eccentric.

Monday, June 22

I have a nagging feeling that this time, it's just me...

Lol. Dunno what's with the title. Randomness. Holidays are ending. They're talking about extending it. Due to the swine flu (sorry, H1N1) thing. Don't really know why, but i can't stop thinking of it as swine flu. Makes it less scary, i guess. This...pandemic (yeah, they're using that now) kinda made me think about stuff. Not that i'm really worried or anything, which is kinda weird, 'cause you'd think that being old enough to understand death (in a way) would make me scared. But i'm not. Didn't mean to sound cocky/ arrogant/ fearless. 'Cause i'm not. Just that it's this...thought that "it'll never be me". Even though time and again we hear stories of how that thought is proven wrong, but they're so...impersonal that that's all they'll ever be. Stories.

Anyway, back to thinking about stuff. Lol. More precisely, death. As in, yeah, i've thought about it (i mean, who hasn't?) but i've always been thinking of it as an ending. Like...to get rid of all emotions? As a way of finally getting peace. Sorry if i scared anyone. But now, i find myself actually thinking of what would happen if the people i know and love (like) are gone. Even those people i really can't stand. I know they say it's bad luck to talk/ think about this kinda stuff. But if i don't, i don't think i'll be...prepared for it when it comes. But still...TOUCH WOOD. 'Cause i'm really afraid of being all alone. It's an irrational fear, but it's still a fear. I don't think i'm afraid of dying. Mostly i'm just afraid of being alone when i die. But then i guess you're always alone when you die. Even if you're surrounded by people you know. And that's really scary, for me. I think that's why i'm always worried you'd leave me. 'Cause being with you seems so natural to me now. And i can't begin to imagine how it'll be without you. How much it'll hurt. And i guess all this is just really childish, in a way. Like a little girl who's afraid of the dark, even though there's really nothing to be afraid of. It's just the absence of light. But i guess all of us are just afraid of uncertainty. Like not knowing what could be lying in wait for you in the dark. Like not knowing what the future will bring.

I think this is kinda why i can't let go of things. How i don't really like change. 'Cause only NOW is certain. The past is gone, and the future is shrouded in mist, unclear. Only the present doesn't change. 'Cause it's now. Duh. And i guess i'm afraid of change. But sometimes it's for the better.

More next time, i hope.


Tuesday, May 26

To hell with global warming. We'll all burn in hell anyway.

Don't know why i'm so negative these days. Isn't like anyone can tell anyway. And the reason i'm blogging this? 'Cause my blog is dead and no one comes here, so it doesn't matter if i'm being depressing.

That said, i'd rather whoever sees this don't tag me with sympathetic messages. 'Cause i'm not freaking doing this/ writing this for sympathy. That's just dumb, stupid, ridiculous and annoying. And obviously i'm none of the above. Oh no, i've never annoyed anyone/ been mean to anyone/ been really sarcastic to anyone. Especially not now. So you see, that's how i have so many friends. No, i'm definitely not being sarcastic.

What the fuck i honestly don't know what's wrong with me. Some days i wake up and i don't want to go to school. 'Cause it isn't worth going. Some days i just feel so alone. Like (almost) no one cares about me. Like there's (almost) nothing worth living for.

Zz. Maybe i'll get referred to a psychologist after people read this. As in, people who don't know me. To hell with it.

Speaking of hell, i think i'm going there when i die. I mean, not that i really believe there's hell - i've never really believed in an afterlife till you came along - but the concept of hell, as a place where people have to face the consequnces of the bad/ evil things they've done. And i think that despit some people who might think that being a good/"guai" student like me, i could do no wrong, they are SO wrong. There're so many things i wished i didn't do or wished i could've done better.

...okay, now i'm starting to scare myself. That looked like a suicide note/ letter. NOT that i'd have any idea how one would look like. (Of 'cause not, no way.) And i need to stop being depressing.

Cross-country tomorrow. Hope i don't die. (crosses fingers and prays hard) OR maybe it won't make any difference. Except to you.


Monday, March 16

Who says teenagers don't do anything?

Okay whatever. I know i haven't been posting for a really long time and you can't blame me. Really busy and exhausted. Physically and emotionally. Anyway netball zonals just over. To all netballers: WE DID GREAT. Fought hard and everything. Even those who didn't play (like me). I'm sure the encouragement was helpful? Anyway GOOD JOB everyone. Love you people. Happy holidays btw. (Yeah i know it's late.)

Holidays. Should've known it'd be yet another opportunity for teachers to give us moutains of homework. Seriously, what holiday? I don't care, i want to go out at least twice this march hols. Therefore the chionging of homework on the first day of holidays. Yeah, right now. But i suppose it'll be worth it. So the outings better be good. Or else. Lol. Kidding. But yeah, i really need to TAKE A BREAK.

... Actually been thinking about some really deep and dark stuff. But dun wanna spoil this post's "happy" vibe, even if it's kinda put on. Dun get me wrong, i'm glad of the holidays, i love the fact that i got my phone back. But sometimes things seem pretty empty. Like, meaningless. I'm seriously scaring myself and i think i'm gonna stop now.

Happy holidays people. Dun be an emo kia like me. (And yeah, i'm changing. Emo-ing drains alot of energy.)


Sunday, February 15


Happy (damn belated) Valentine's Day! As you can see my blog is dead, but i'm not and neither is my love for all of you. Haha lol. Love ya all 2a + RVNB + whoever loves me back. =)

Later. (Okay, alot later.)

P/S: Incidentally that (points at title) is a song by FOB. And i didn't go for the concert. Yes, i'm still sore about that fact. Especially when others are going on and on about it.