Friday, November 18

Vampire Money

So the new Twilight thing is coming out. Again. Hordes of vampire-obssessed fangirls will be rushing to the theatres. Anyway. Thinking about Twilight and over-rated vampire movies/ books have resulted in this song playing in my head. MCR really is pretty good, but not my favourite.

Gerard: Well, are you ready, Ray?
Ray: Yeah...
Gerard: How about you, Frank?
Frank: Oh I'm there, baby
Gerard: How about you, Mikey?
Mikey: Fuckin' ready...
Gerard: Well, I think I'm alright


3-2-1 We came to fuck
Everybody party till the gasman comes
Sparkle like Bowie in the morning sun
And get a parking violation on La Brea till it's done

Hair back, collar up, jet black, so cool!
Sing it like the kids that are mean to you, c'mon

When you wanna be a movie star (c'mon! )
Play the game and take band real far (c'mon! )
Play it right and drive a Volvo car (c'mon! )
Pick a fight at an airport bar

The kids don't care if you're all right honey
Pills don't help but it sure is funny
Gimme gimme some of that vampire money c'mon!

Hey you look like somebody I used to know

And now 3-2-1 we got the bomb
Everybody hurry till the tax man comes
Glimmer like Bolan in the morning sun
And get your finger on the trigger
Tap the barrel of the a gun

Hair back, motherfucker!
Jet black, so cool
Sing it like the kids that are mean to you (c'mon! )

When you wanna be a movie star (c'mon! )
Play the game and take band real far (c'mon! )
Play it right and drive a Volvo car (c'mon! )
Pick a fight at an airport bar

The kids don't care if you're all right honey
Pills don't help but it sure is funny
Gimme gimme some of that vampire money c'mon!

Fuck yeah
That's right
1, 2, 3, 4

Well 3-2-1 we came to fuck
Everybody party till the gasman comes
Sparkle like Bowie in the morning sun
And get a parking violation on La Brea till it's done

Hair back, collar up, jet black, so cool!
Sing it like the kids that are mean to you (c'mon! )

When you wanna be a movie star (c'mon! )
Play the game and take band real far (c'mon! )
Play it right and drive a Volvo car (c'mon! )
Pick a fight at an airport bar

The kids don't care if you're all right honey
Pills don't help but it sure is funny
Gimme gimme some of that vampire money c'mon!

This party
I think it's way too loud
Gonna have to turn it down a little, sorry

Okay, I'm kinda still trying to make sense of the song. I understand bits and pieces but that's about it. No matter. It's more fun this way.

Right. New Twilight thing. This may come across as being wimpy about committing, but I will not, and cannot jump onto that bandwagon of condemning all things vampiric, but neither will I support it either. I mean, I'm NOT a fangirl. But I see no reason to be predictable and extremist and start bashing all things Twilgiht. People go like, Oh, a new vampire series? And they compare it to Twilight, all the while commenting on the sucky romance and cliched whatever.

Hmm. Unstructured thoughts. Not very coherent of me. Oh well, never mind.

Anyway. First of all, I would like to say that I honestly think it's stupid and a waste of time to "be in love" with Edward/ Jacob. Seriously? For crying out loud, they're NOT REAL. They're just ideas, representations of a type of guy. I swear, if I hear/ read about obssessed fangirls sighing over their supposed looks or personality, I unmentionable things to them.

Uh. Right, on with the commentary.

The hype Twilight is generating is also disgusting. I know I'm only contributing to it, but still. A girl's gotta rant when a girl's gotta rant. Please, people. It's just a book series about (gag) sparkly vampires. In love. And werewolves. C'mon, how is this love triangle thing any different from the Taiwanese idol dramas or any other chick lit? And the other vampire novels/ series that seemed to be written overnight to cash in on the vampire craze... I have just one thing to say. W.T.F?


But of course, any good (though slightly incoherent) argument must be balanced. And so, I now find myself playing the role of defending Twilight. Or at least persuading people to hate it just a widdle bit less.

Uh. Okay.

First, for a cliched romance story, it's not that bad. Hey, I cried reading New Moon. Okay... In my defense, I missed you. But seriously, cut it some slack. Like Romeo and Juliet is any less melodramatic. And all the modern day R&Js, those are just asking for it.

And... Next, I suppose that people can relate to it or something.


Okay, this is to hard. I give up. Why am I trying to findredeeming qualities of Twilight? Never mind, don't answer that, random blog-hopper. Just...hop along.

Anyway, so that's that. Yet another exciting blogpost coming to an end. Before I go, I must confess... I watch Twilight, and I'm probably watching the latest one. Even though Pattinson is nowhere near the mental image I have of Edward, and it's ridiculous that Lautner walks around with his shirt off 99.9% of the time in the movies. It's like a train wreck, or any other accident. You just can't tear your eyes away from it.

Ah well. More next time. Pretty good for someone who hasn't blogged in like, what? A couple of months? Bad blogger. (That's me.) Okay, gotta go before I start rambling again.


P/S: Please try to be more careful. Falling down is so not cool. And very upsetting.

P/P/S: No song lyrics or witty quotes today. Sad face.

Oh wait.

Remember how our hands matched

Love lines, same size

I guess I should have checked

To see the lifelines were in line

Don't you justlove Bowling for Soup?

Tuesday, February 8

Meet me in the pouring rain

Should've waited for Valentine's for this one, but i'm just impatient, i guess. I'm actually not that worried about people flaming, 'cause not many read my blog anyway. This is my attempt at poetry. (Don't laugh either.)

Was just a girl
Were just a boy
Were just friends
Purely platonic
We never thought anything could change

At first glance
Your hair
Caught my attention immediately
Let me pick you out in a crowd
Your height
Made us equals
I could finally see eye-to-eye with someone
Your sharp wit
Cutting at times, but humorously so
I could get better than most
Strangely, i held that dear

The first time
Your eyes
Held me
A flicker, a spark
Made me believe there could be
Something more, perhaps?
Your hand
Slipped into mine
They fit perfectly
Your lips
Found mine, stayed there
Pressed against mine
Breathing seemed unnecessary

Your arms
Around me in an embrace
Keeping me safe
From my nightmares, my fears
Your hands
All over me
And i want more
I always want more
Your lips
Pressed against mine again
Moving, perfectly synchronised
Your tongue
Intertwined with mine
Dancing, teasing
Your shoulder
Mine to lean on
Or cry on
Always there for me
Your eyes
Holding mine again
The spark, now a flame
Promising eternity together
Your voice
Whispering in my ear
Murmuring sweet everythings
Giving me strength
If i falter

I still want
Your scent
Enveloped in it
In the pillows, the sheets
My clothes, our bed
Your face
The first thing i see
When i wake up
Opening my eyes to perfection
Better, infinitely so
Better than the most glorious dawn
Your body
Warm, next to mine
Fitting snugly, perfectly
Like that missing puzzle piece
Your heart
Because you already stole mine
When i fell in love with you
And i'm content
For you to guard mine

But i want
To be entrusted with
Guarding yours
And our hearts beat in time
Inexplicably, irrevocably
A shared fate
I won't be getting out of this with my heart intact
But i would never want to
Leave, because
Without you
Only oblivion remains

I fell in love with you
I still love you
And i always will

That was mostly general and not too specific. =)
Hope you don't mind. I know it's a little weird, after your birthday but before Valentine's. But i figured you'd be fine with it. =)


kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain