Thursday, March 11

What's this "right thing" i keep hearing about?

Sometimes it hurts to do the right thing. Most times it isn't worth it. All the time, it feels like your heart's being stabbed again and again, and it will never end. But always, it's something that i guess everyone has to do sometime in their life.

Even if it means hurting so much you just want to slit your wrists and let the blood wash away the pain.

Even if it means feeling so depressed that you just want to swallow that whole bottle of pills and let oblivion take away the hurt.

Yeah, even then.

Even then you're stuck having to do the goddamn, fucking "right thing".

And how can you know if it's the "right thing" to do, when all it brings to your life is more pain, more hurt, without an escape?

How can it be the "right thing" if it hurts oh-so-fucking-much just thinking about it?

Sometimes, what doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger. It just makes you want to finish the job yourself.


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