Monday, September 29

Emo emu. LOL.

Yay. Finally updating again. LOL. Dunno what's with my mood swings lately. Something to do with the dizziness and headaches and almost-fainting spells. Or maybe i've always been like this. LOL. Just took me long to realise.

Dunno what's wrong with me lately. As in, yeah, i know i'm gonna fall sick soon. Hopefully either this week or not at all. 'Cause EOYs then class gathering then slacking and stuff. So...yeah. And my memory's getting worse. I dun wanna forget. I mean, there're stuff i wish never happened and wished i could erase them. But if it means taking away all the great memories of us... I'd rather live with the bad ones.

That was kinda random. But felt kinda good. Maybe now i'll stop causing my art knife/ pen knife to rust. LOL. (Okay, maybe not so LOL.)

Anyway... Kinda sucky speech today. Was all i could do not to black out. Couldn't concentrate on what i was saying. Kinda like after PE. My heart was like suddenly thumping damn fast, for god knows what reason. Wasn't even because of the exercise. And my chest felt really tight, like someone was squeezing my ribcage. Could hardly breathe. My vision sorta blurred around the edges. Felt really dizzy. And the whole thing was damn freaky. As in, it's not the first time ever, but the first in like, half a year. Freaky day.

Really scared that something's gonna happen to me, actually. Not being melodramatic here. (Wish i were though.) It's a premonition thing. Like, something really bad's gonna happen. (No, not EOYs. Though it IS a pretty bad thing. LOL.) To quote: "If it happens, i'll be right but screwed. If it doesn't, i'll be wrong but happy". Or something like that. =)

Thought of posting some more lines and stuffs i thought up, but decided against it. Too morbid, and i dun wanna spoil this post's "not-emo" vibe. LOL. Maybe next time, when i'm more emo. Just managed to bring things under control. Dun wanna set off another tear-fest. LOL.


Sunday, September 21


LOL. Short entry:

Didn't know speech and drama was that...interesting. And fun. =) LOL. And slack. Ha. (winks)

Nothing much to blog. Not supposed to be blogging actually. Doing it furtively while pretending to be researching for my LA speech. I'm doing anorexia. Yeah, i know, change of topic. And doesn't even relate to me. Except maybe i'm the exact opposite of an anorexic person. Quoted from someone. LOL. Think my speech's gonna suck. But if my sucky speech can get you a higher grade, i guess i'll live with it. 'Cause that's the least i could do to...repay you. Or something. I won't suck on purpose. I dun have to, anyway.

Starting to sound like an emo post... It's scary how easily i can get emo, but i'm not gonna let that happen. At least not today. Or tomorrow. "One dose should keep me going for a couple of days". LOL. Never mind if you dun get it. As long as someone does.

Still have to work on my evil laugh... [insert (un-)evil laugh here] LOL. Must believe that i can do it. =) "How can i fail with you rooting for me?" (Another famous quote from you.)

Gotta go before i get busted. LOL. Guess it's time to start working on my speech.


Monday, September 1

Emotional rollercoaster

Wow. Now i totally believe it when they say something will happen if you think hard enough about it. And telepathy. And scary (but well-timed) coincidences. Sometimes i just love the way stuff (sorta) works out. Anyway haven't had a proper post lately cos 1) too busy and 2) too emo. Now that i've actually found the time to blog (actually, blogging under the pretense of doing e-learning), i realise there isn't much to blog about. LOL. Maybe gonna be a little random.

Coaching CIP at henry park primary today. THE KIDS ARE SO CUTE! But kinda rude. Oh well who cares. I guess kids these days grow up faster, blah blah blah. Wish i could go again tomorrow, but apparently we can only go for one day 'cause our B div team has too many people. LOL. Never mind. I'll get my exercise tomorrow. Badminton. Yay. But somehow dun feel as enthusiastic. Doesn't mean i dun wanna play though. But still.

Holiday homework. Finished LA essay and draft for chinese compo. Muahaha. But ran out of gao2 zhi3 so can't write out. Need to buy. =( Anyway not going to school till friday, so not gonna hand in till friday. Ha. (And you thought i was guai?) Attempting to print out scanned pages of math workbook, since i didn't bring it home. Again. Kinda pissed with myself liao. LOL.

More serious stuff: subject combination. I guess i'm gonna take triple science after all. My parents knew of my...obsession with E lit. so they suggested triple science eith E lit. as the humans. Great. It's not so much of the subject itself, more of who's taking what. Considering Bi-cultural. Parents think it's a waste of time, but (as usual) i dun agree. Call me biased but that's the way i am. Will take Bi-cultural if there's motivation. (Hint, hint.) Just dun throw it away for me.

Hopefully can finish holiday homework by thursday. Then can slack for awhile. Before my mom starts nagging at me to study for EOYs.
