Sunday, September 21


LOL. Short entry:

Didn't know speech and drama was that...interesting. And fun. =) LOL. And slack. Ha. (winks)

Nothing much to blog. Not supposed to be blogging actually. Doing it furtively while pretending to be researching for my LA speech. I'm doing anorexia. Yeah, i know, change of topic. And doesn't even relate to me. Except maybe i'm the exact opposite of an anorexic person. Quoted from someone. LOL. Think my speech's gonna suck. But if my sucky speech can get you a higher grade, i guess i'll live with it. 'Cause that's the least i could do to...repay you. Or something. I won't suck on purpose. I dun have to, anyway.

Starting to sound like an emo post... It's scary how easily i can get emo, but i'm not gonna let that happen. At least not today. Or tomorrow. "One dose should keep me going for a couple of days". LOL. Never mind if you dun get it. As long as someone does.

Still have to work on my evil laugh... [insert (un-)evil laugh here] LOL. Must believe that i can do it. =) "How can i fail with you rooting for me?" (Another famous quote from you.)

Gotta go before i get busted. LOL. Guess it's time to start working on my speech.


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