Sunday, October 26

Withdrawal syndromes of a you-addict: almost-depression, thinking too much.

LOL. Really long time since i last posted. Since exams are over will try to post more. (But somehow i dun think that's possible. Middle name = procrastination.)

Haiz. Post-exams days feel so...empty. Like no aim, y'know? I dunno, maybe it's 'cause i'm a really goal-oriented person, but when there's nothing to work for i just kinda...drift. And think. Alot. (Dun worry, i'll stop when it starts to hurt my head. Which seems to be very quickly.)

Been thinking about...stuff. Like end of the year. End of 2A. Okay, technically it isn't the end, 'cause we're all still gonna see each other in school from time to time and blah blah. But it won't feel the same anymore. Sure, most of us might end up in the same class. But it won't be the same. So i guess i just wanna make the most of the time left. However much is left.

I really hate saying good-byes. I mean, if i try, if i really try, i think i can just about make it through the farewells with a brave front and false cheer. It's about time i thought of someone else other than myself, anyway. Not to bring up old (and possibly painful) memories, but the way i behaved on that Saturday... Let's just say although it wasn't technically saying goodbye, i didn't make things any easier for anyone.

Sometimes i dunno what to do. Like whether letting my true emotions show is better or will i help those i love by pretending to be happy? Maybe they won't like to be kept in the dark, but i just can't bear to hurt them. 'Cause it hurts me to see them hurt. I guess i'm just selfish that way. Dun know why people continue hanging out with me.

Anyway. Although strictly speaking, this isn't supposed to be an emo post, it isn't exactly gonna be a happy one. I guess you've gathered as much from the stuff i've been rambling on about. Let's just say i've had a lot of time to think.

Since i'm talking about sad, serious stuff, let's go for something really serious. Academically, i mean. Yeah. Subject combinations. Y'know, ever since the subject combi thing became something to really talk about, i've been kinda dreading it. And then came this...whole thing, and now i'm even more reluctant to think about it. 'Cause thinking about it would mean making a decision about it, and making a decision somehow just makes the end seem to draw closer. I know, i know, it's a psychological thing. A fear of unknown, i guess. I just dun like uncertainties in my life. Which is probably why i cling on so hard to my certainty. (Singular, see?) Even though it really makes me seem needy and clingy and desperate at times.

Anyway back to the subject of subject combi. I've never really thought of what i want to be. When i was younger (that makes me sound old), i've had ideas of being a vet, zookeeper, biologist, whatever. I used to be really in love with animals. I suppose you could call that my first love? LOL. Kidding. The point is, once i've stopped being so naive and became more cynical... I just kinda lost my focus in life. Like, when i was younger, i wanted to do well in science 'cause my parnts told me i had to if i wanted to be a vet. And i just did what my parents wanted me to, since well, i was kinda 'guai'. Now, i dun know what i want in life. Okay, maybe not so general. More like i dunno what i want from my studies, my career, whatever. I want to do well in school, but that's about as far as i get. Do well in what areas? I'm starting to question a lot of stuff. I used to love sciences, now i'm more into literature. It doesn't change the fact that i'm better at sciences, since my foundation is stronger. I'm just...confused, i guess.

Whatever. I think... I want to put on a different mask for this 2 weeks before the end of school; the start of holidays. I'm gonna try being loud and noisy and cheerful and all the things you (people) love me for. I'm not gonna spend the rest of my sec 2 school days making others emo 'cause of my emo-ness. I'll be a good girl from now on. By good girl, i mean: caring friend, responsible team member, committed player, good daughter, and a good best friend. I mean what i say, so try and make things easier for me? I want to make a "clean break", 'cause i know this can't carry on. We both know. I guess we should stop pretending otherwise. Maybe in a few years' time.

Before life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars - points of light and reason. ... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy...When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything.


P/S: Just a quote. Doesn't mean i'm gonna do anything, but... Dun read too much into it. Some people like quoting from songs, i like quoting from books.

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