Saturday, November 29

Holiday VII

... Okay. Really dun feel like talking about my holiday liao. I'm boring myself. LOL. So just briefly... Today went to yang ming shan. IT WAS FREAKIN' COLD!!! I was freezing my butt off there. The view was pretty good. And a cool restaurant with quite good food. The restaurant doesn't have a menu. The food served is like, decided on the spur of the moment by the chef or something. Pretty cool. =)

LOL. That's all about today. And I STILL HAVEN'T GOT SOUVENIRS FOR THE GUYS! Whatthehell... Gonna go shopping tomorrow. Anyway. Gonna start a new post.


Friday, November 28

Holiday VI

To those who think my holiday updates are interesting... You guys are lucky i changed my mind. You should thank the person who changed my mind. I was gonna stop posting 'cause i felt too sian. Oh well. But now i feel obliged to continue. I think i'll just post when i feel like, though. Not everyday. Today... Was boring. And disappointing. Went all the way from taipei to hsinchu before lunch. For a strawberry farm which was totally run-down and crappy. So went all the way back for dinner. Like, whatthehell?! LOL. You know i hate disappointments. But, well. That's life, i guess. Though the spam smses (though i'd save all of 'em if i could) brightened my day. =) Loved it. Thanks! (you-know-who)

Anyway not much stuff to blog about except that i'll upload the pics really soon... Okay, maybe with the class chalet ones i hope to take? Haha.


Thursday, November 27

Holiday V

Okay. I'm seriously getting lazier. I think i'm just gonna post the highlights of the day. Like today, didn't do anything much. Just shopped. And i'm glad to say that i got souvenirs for all the 2A girls already. =) So i'm just left with the guys' stuff. Which is gonna be so much harder. Haiz. Any ideas, guys? LOL.

... Anyway i'm so outta things to talk about. Other than some...thoughts. I'm so SO freakin' depressed. Haiz. I miss smsing you so much. Damn. I feel so dumb. A couple of days and i can't stand it. So SO dumb. I felt so tempted to sms you today. Haiz. =(


Wednesday, November 26

Holiday IV

I'm getting lazier... And i've been feeling guilty lately. For eating too much. LOL. Gotta cut down. But kinda hard in taiwan. Anyway, woke up quite early in the morning (still can't kick the habit of waking up early), went for breakfast. Slacked in the hotel room for awhile, watched TV.

Went out later for spa. =) Took a few pics and will post them when i get back. LOL. It was a rather...interesting experience. Got lunch, slacked again. Went to danshui by train. It's kinda a park with wildlife and recreation. Like arcades, street vendors, whatever. Sat on a bench and stared at mudskippers and waterbirds for like, an hour, waiting for the sun to set. I'm not a nature kinda person, but it's quite fascinating. The sun finally set and i finally got some pics. Walked around the street stalls for awhile after that. Realised yet another career path was closed - i suck at shooting with a gun. LOL.

Walked around some more, and took a couple more pics. Will post pics. Got dinner, went for some retail therapy. Bought the top i was looking for (to go with my shoes/ boots). I was omg so happy. I guess retail therapy does help cheer me up. If only temporarily. Haiz. This sucks. Wished i could freakin' sms. Argh. Damn. Am so SO pissed. Or depressed. Whatever. Haiz. Still got like, 5 more days. =( Hell... Forget it. Not in the mood to blog liao. Stupid.


Tuesday, November 25

Holiday III

Hey. Here again to crap about my day. =)


Morning was pretty uneventful. Woke up, had breakfast and all that. Then went out to taipei mrt station. (Yeah. There're mrt stations.) Guess what? There're like stalls/ shops along the underground passages. Wanted to buy a pair of shoes (boots?) that caught my eye, but there wasn't my size. Stupid. =( Why are my feet so huge? Anyway, wandered around some more but didn't buy anything else. Okay, so i bought a keychain thing, but it doesn't count luhhs. It was cheap. Spied an arcade and decided to spend some money without buying anything. Went in and PLAYED. LOL. Realised that i totally SUCK at drums. So it's kinda a good thing that i didn't try it in singapore (with all those people watching). The arcade was really empty.

Went for lunch after that. Wandered around abit more and made my way back to the hotel slowly. Slept for awhile. (Erratic sleeping habits, remember?) Got up, watched TV in the hotel. (I know. No-lifer.) Went out, took the mrt to jiantan. There was something wrong with my token. LOL. Talk about unlucky. The first time i take public transport in taipei and something has to go wrong. Anyway, got to shilin night market (dunno what it's called luhhs) and really shopped.

Saw a stall selling REALLY HUGE sausages. And there was alot of food. ALOT. Someone would have liked it. Realised that i really can't stand the smell of stinky toufu. Well, 'cause it stinks. No offence, but i felt like puking when i smelt it. It smells like the garbage dump or something. Yuck. Anyway, not the point. There were plenty of shops. Selling clothes/ shoes/ accessories. Yay.

And OHMIGOSH I'M SO HAPPY. Finally got the shoes (boots?) i've been eyeing. Oh yeah. Finally. But it was pretty expensive. 750 in taipei currency. Which is like, 30+ singapore dollars. But who cares. Definitely worth it. Sister got similar shoes (boots) too. Shopped around awhile more, but didn't get anything else. Aim: get a top before end of the trip. Went back to the hotel.

Oh, one more thing. Traffic in taipei is TREACHEROUS. (Treacherous traffic in taipei.) Sometimes i wonder how i manage to cross the roads without anything happening to me. (Or the cars. Ha.) LOL. Anyway running outta stuff to say. Tag me soon. Please. You know who you are.


Monday, November 24

Holiday II

I'm back! =) Okay, so admittedly it's only a day. But one day's REALLY long for me when i can't sms. It's like, everytime i see something interesting i wanna share i unconsciously start reaching for my phone. Damn the overseas sms cost. Grr. Anyway, here's more about today...

Woke up early. Why the hell do i wake up early, even during the holidays/ when i'm overseas? That is one of those weird quirks of mine. Like, if i sleep fairly early (like 10 or 11) then i can't sleep till later than 9 or something. Anyway. Totally digressing. Went for breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Then went out to hang out. Like, walked around, wandered into a couple of shops but nothing much - didn't buy anything.

Got back to hotel after a couple of hours of AIMLESS wandering. Slept for awhile. My sleeping pattern's getting really erratic. After this trip (and the chalet after that), i'm not sure if i'll be able to sleep at night anymore. Haha, maybe that isn't a bad thing. LOL. I'm totally crapping. Today dun really feel like blogging.

Went to Taipei 101 after that. It was COLD at the 91st floor. (There're 101 floors btw. Duh. But the lift only works up till 89. Then have to climb stairs.) There wasn't much to see, mainly 'cause of this fog/ mist/ pollution. Whatever. Could see the "bright lights of the city" when darkness fell. It got dark freakin' early. Like, 6 plus. Whatthehell?! Will post the pics when i get home. Ha. Kinda blurred, 'cause my photography skills suck anyway. After that, went for dinner and got back to hotel. Tomorrow's gonna be alot of lazing around, and i'm determined to buy stuff. For you people. Aww. So dun complain.

That's all for today. Just wanna say i'm seriously...i really want to get home... =( So missing you. Reply...

Sunday, November 23

Holiday I

Okay. Since i dun wanna be totally outta touch with the rest of the world - the rest of my world, i'm gonna blog daily about my trip. So you guys can hear about what i'm doing and go green with envy. But mostly so that i can crap and won't feel so bored. Yeah, i know. You guys must think i'm crazy. I mean, bored on a holiday? Like totally whatthehell. But that's me. And frankly i'd rather stay back home 'cause Anyway, i'll just get straight to the recount and save the crap (for the next post).

Woke up waayy early. Okay, early for a day in school hols. But still, it was around 5. Did some last minute packing, rushed around looking for stuff, the usual. Managed to be on time for the cab to the airport though. Got to airport too early so we (in case anyone's wondering who i was with, i was with my family. Duh.) hung around the duty-free shops. LOL. Window shopping. I know, but we were bored. Sent my last sms before boarding. No prizes for guessing. Duh.

Boarded plane but cut it kinda close. Gate was closing, so had to rush a little. LOL. Irony. Get there too early, but end up late for boarding. Anyway, flight was really short. 4 hours, so nothing much to do. Listened to some music, played some multi-player games with my sis and we reached. Customs at Taipei took a looong time. Stupid queue. LOL. But in the end managed to get through all of that and got a cab to the hotel. The hotel's pretty okay. The best (damn) thing? The hotel has FREE internet connection in the room. (Hence the tagging. And the blogging. And the surfing of internet.) The catch is that need to get password from hotel reception everyday. Oh well. Small price to pay. Figuratively.

After all that slacking, (and very little breakfast/ lunch/ brunch), we finally went out for dinner. BUFFET dinner. LOL. Shall not bore y'all with the details of the buffet. Gluttony... Will post the pics when i get home, since i obviously (stupidly) forgot to bring my USB thumbdrive, so i can't transfer pics from my phone. Sadly. LOL.

And after THAT, went to a bookstore. 24-hr bookstore. Saw several books that i felt tempted to buy, but decided to save my cash for other stuff. In the end, only bought a piano score book. To those who are shocked (or have been shocked), yes, i play the piano. Then went back to hotel and bathed. Therefore am now slacking and blogging. Duh.

That ends my day. Will be going to sleep...sometime. LOL. Blog more soon. And you're all welcome to sms me. Just that i won't reply. I'll probably reply on your blog/ my blog/ email/ something/ whatever. Anyway, an sms will be greatly appreciated. =) You know. Even though i dun want you to exceed. Sorry. I'm insecure that way.


Wednesday, November 19

Reviews and apologies

Been re-watching HSM 1 and 2 lately. And just went to watch HSM 3 recently. Conclusion? The show's becoming increasingly..."commercialised. (Quoted.) HSM 3 was...pretty bad. There was practically NO plot. Thanks to the songs, it wasn't THAT bad. But even some of the songs were pretty dull. How many times can people listen to similar melodies being recycled for different songs without getting bored? The lyrics were okay, though. My favourite songs? "Right Here, Right Now", "Can I Have This Dance", "The Boys Are Back" and "Scream". The rest were nice, but - like the word nice - pretty bland. Doesn't stick in my memory. Sorry if i was overly critical or whatever. But when there's anticipation, there's bound to be disappointment. I know i'm such a hypocrite. Saying so much good stuff about HSM and then now this. But i guess that's just how it is.

... Walao. I saw the Twilight movie trailer and i'm totally DISILLUSIONED. Edward Cullen in the movie isn't what i'd imagined. I'm crushed, devastated. How could they do this? Bella isn't that bad - pretty chio, actually. But apparently someone thinks otherwise. Okay, so maybe i'm not a guy so i'm not a very good judge. And maybe i was a LITTLE biased about EDward. But still, WHATTHEHELL. We (Twilight/ Edward fans) deserve better. And for the record, i'm not crazy over Edward. (Duh.) I just like the story. LOL. I just like romance. And when i'm not thinking about romance (mine or otherwise), i like fantasy. And i've always liked mythical creatures and legends. Okay, maybe that's under fantasy. Anyway, that's why i like the Twilight Saga. And now the movie (okay, just the trailer) might destroy my idealistic fantasy. But i'll still be watching. Even if it's just so that i can complain about how bad the movie was. Quoting again, the movie's totally "commercialised".

Some news: I MADE THE TEAM! I shouldn't say that too much 'cause i'd sound egoistic, but YAY. That means i have to train harder though. But whatever it takes. And it'll cut into more of life, too. Like my class chalet. Really sorry. =( Forgive me? Sorry...

Anyway. Social life aside, i'm still thrilled about netball. Seems like i really love it, and not just for the CCA points. I'm not THAT shallow.

But... Seriously, sorry. I know it means alot to you, but i can't pon. I'm just not...that kind of person. I'm sorry. Hope you can see it my way and dun stay too mad at me. It's just in the evenings. I'll still be there in the mornings + afternoons + nights. Which is very important. Sorry.

And i'm gonna be outta town for awhile, so no posts for some time. Then class chalet, so i'll be busy. Will try to post when i gey back. Class chalet is gonna (Understatement.)


Thursday, November 13

The end.

Okay, technically it isn't REALLY the end, as someone tells me. But it sure feels that way. It's hard not to get attached to a class you've been in for 2 years, yeah? Haiz. I never was any good at saying goodbye. So i'm not gonna. Maybe i'm just fooling myself but living in denial's a pretty good way of keeping from depression. So maybe we can still meet up for chalets and outings next year during the school hols. I guess it wouldn't be that bad if there was something to look forward to?

Damn. Who am i kidding? Damn damn damn &*$%#. What the hell... I dun wanna say goodbye. "If we were a movie"... But that's not possible, so i guess we just have to make the most of the time we have left. Yeah. Hoping i can go for the class outings and stuff.

Not really in the mood to blog. Will post more (soon). Keep me away from sharp objects.
