Sunday, November 23

Holiday I

Okay. Since i dun wanna be totally outta touch with the rest of the world - the rest of my world, i'm gonna blog daily about my trip. So you guys can hear about what i'm doing and go green with envy. But mostly so that i can crap and won't feel so bored. Yeah, i know. You guys must think i'm crazy. I mean, bored on a holiday? Like totally whatthehell. But that's me. And frankly i'd rather stay back home 'cause Anyway, i'll just get straight to the recount and save the crap (for the next post).

Woke up waayy early. Okay, early for a day in school hols. But still, it was around 5. Did some last minute packing, rushed around looking for stuff, the usual. Managed to be on time for the cab to the airport though. Got to airport too early so we (in case anyone's wondering who i was with, i was with my family. Duh.) hung around the duty-free shops. LOL. Window shopping. I know, but we were bored. Sent my last sms before boarding. No prizes for guessing. Duh.

Boarded plane but cut it kinda close. Gate was closing, so had to rush a little. LOL. Irony. Get there too early, but end up late for boarding. Anyway, flight was really short. 4 hours, so nothing much to do. Listened to some music, played some multi-player games with my sis and we reached. Customs at Taipei took a looong time. Stupid queue. LOL. But in the end managed to get through all of that and got a cab to the hotel. The hotel's pretty okay. The best (damn) thing? The hotel has FREE internet connection in the room. (Hence the tagging. And the blogging. And the surfing of internet.) The catch is that need to get password from hotel reception everyday. Oh well. Small price to pay. Figuratively.

After all that slacking, (and very little breakfast/ lunch/ brunch), we finally went out for dinner. BUFFET dinner. LOL. Shall not bore y'all with the details of the buffet. Gluttony... Will post the pics when i get home, since i obviously (stupidly) forgot to bring my USB thumbdrive, so i can't transfer pics from my phone. Sadly. LOL.

And after THAT, went to a bookstore. 24-hr bookstore. Saw several books that i felt tempted to buy, but decided to save my cash for other stuff. In the end, only bought a piano score book. To those who are shocked (or have been shocked), yes, i play the piano. Then went back to hotel and bathed. Therefore am now slacking and blogging. Duh.

That ends my day. Will be going to sleep...sometime. LOL. Blog more soon. And you're all welcome to sms me. Just that i won't reply. I'll probably reply on your blog/ my blog/ email/ something/ whatever. Anyway, an sms will be greatly appreciated. =) You know. Even though i dun want you to exceed. Sorry. I'm insecure that way.


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