Sunday, July 20

Yet another lag post

Well. I seem to be doing a lot of this lately. I mean not posting regularly. I shall try harder. But sorta busy and stuff. At least i make an effort to blog. Unlike SOME people. *ahem* Major hinting here.

Anyway. Haven't been blogging lately 'cause i can't really think of anything to blog about. Either that or the stuff i wanna write isn't for just ANYONE to read. But since i'm a nice person who invited so many people to my blog, i guess i have to deal with it.

Ohh wait. I know something to talk about. WEST M'SIA TRIP. LOL. I know it's not the first time going overseas without parents (actually it's the second time), but it IS my first time going to malaysia. Yeah, i know. Go ahead and stare in disbelief. I haven't, okay? It's not a crime or anything. Anyway, been looking forward to it for quite abit. But kinda disappointed as well. 'Cause i won't be sharing room with Cyn. =( Not that i'm against rooming with HY and Pris, but...y'know. If you dun, never mind. Still, looking forward to it. And yeah, dreams will remain dreams. No matter how real they may seem.

And on a totally unrelated note, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to YC! *smiles* Sorry that i didn't get you a present. Thanks for being my best (guy) friend. During primary school. Um. Not that you're not now, but just not the only one. Gawd, i think i'm making things worse by trying to explain so i guess i should stop and salvage what's left of the situation. So yeah, happy (belated) birthday. Do try to be more mature. For everyone's sake. Especially *ahem*. (I didn't say anything.) LOL.

BTW, i cut my hair. And now it's damn short. So dun be too shocked tomorrow. For those seeing me at school. LOL. My mom actually asked me if it's 'cause i "shou4 le da3 ji1". I guess, in a way. So i guess it's true that when girls have an...upsetting experience they'll cut their hair? Totally LOL. But i guess my hair's better cut short. ''s more convenient? Though i hope you won't treat me differently 'cause of that. I think you're not that shallow.

Finally, think i'll end off with some quizzes. LOL. Typical me.

Your Love is Based on Friendship

For you, chemistry doesn't really happen without compatibility.

Companionship and openness are the most important parts of your relationships.

Whoever you love should be your best friend.

And falling in love with a good friend is never out of the question.

Why your love can last: You only fall for people who you truly understand... and who truly understand you

Why your love can fail: Sometimes you don't admit how important physical chemistry is to you

He's Probably Not Over Her

You'd do just about anything for your guy - and he knows it.

And while compromise is important in relationships, you may take it too far.

Stand your ground more often. You don't have to do everything your man says.

If you tell him "no" a little more often, he'll probably respect you for it!

Your Ideal Marriage Proposal Is

New Years, at the crack of midnight, under a windstorm of confetti.

You Are Fairly Normal in Love

When it comes to love, you have fairly normal ideas and expectations.

Your relationships and ideas may be a bit quirky at times...

But you see love the same way as most people do.

Why You Are Normal in Love

You are normal because you don't kiss on the first date.

You are normal because you haven't been in love with two people at once.

Why You Aren't Normal in Love

You are abnormal because you don't believe a long distance relationship can work.

You are abnormal because you believe people only have one soulmate.

Aries - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You're quite the charmer. You've got the wit and attitude to attract almost anyone you meet.

Out spoken and honest, any date knows how they stand with you.

Fearless, independent, and willing to try anything twice - your dates should expect the unexpected.

Your negative traits:

You tend to be vain, and you expect your partner to feed that vanity often with complements.

Hot tempered and impulsive, you've occasionally ended things ... only to regret it later.

You're obsessed with being the best, most loved girlfriend or boyfriend your sweetie's ever had.

Your ideal partner:

A risk taking, free spirit like yourself - who can keep up with your latest wild child antics.

Someone stylish, attractive, and fit... who can keep you attracted for months.

Is hard to get - and lets you pursue things. You prefer to be the chaser, not the one being chased.

Your dating style:

Wild, unpredictable, fun, and daring. Your ideal date may involve a couple motorcycles or naked skydiving.

Your seduction style:

Honest and direct - you have no need for romance or much foreplay.

Show off. You like to show your lover how you're the best ever.

Ambitious. You often like to go all night - or aim for multiple orgasms.

Tips for the future:

Start to believe in second and third chances. You don't have to dump them so fast.

Savor the process. Sometimes the best part of falling in love is taking things in slow motion.

Let go of comparisons. If someone's with you, then you've already one. Stop worrying about exes.

Best color to attract mate: Red

Best day for a date: Tuesday

Maybe "some" is an understatement. LOL. That's all, though.


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