Saturday, July 26

Lessons learnt

I'm back. LOL. Understatement. I'M BACK FROM WEST MALAYSIA. *smiles* The trip was rather fun. As in, bonding time and stuff. Slacking, basically. Makes me think it was the school hols all over again. It would have been better if we managed to pull off the class gathering thing, but i guess you can't have everything, huh? Fun trip and stuff but next week it's lessons as usual. *sighs*

And history prez on Monday. I'm actually quite...anxious. I'm scared i'll screw the prez up. As in, i dun think my prez skills are as good as the others in my group and i'm afraid i'll drag them down. So...sorry if i do. I'm not really very confident right now. LOL. Insecurity and stuff.

Anyway, on a lighter note. SX's blogging again. YAY. Some entertainment value at last. The last few months have gone by rather slowly. Especially the last month or so. Pleasepleaseplease dun stop blogging again. LOL. That despo. But it's true. Insecure, remember?

Btw, who heard of the SINGfest? 2 and 3 August? Oh my gawd i so wanna go. But wayy too ex. Unless someone wanna treat me. Hint, hint. LOL. I was kidding. I would never be able to accept it. Anything over 100 bucks is too ex. Wish there was some way to go. Argh. Never mind. Lots of stuff i want but can't get. Guess i should just be content for the moment.

And i've learnt an important lesson. Never trust Jeremy's movie recommendations. I went to watch Prom Night with a bunch of 2A people, and the movie was totally crappy. No plot at all. The bad guy just keeps killing people (stabbing them with a knife, actually) and the good guys just keep dying. And no eye candy either. Which is totally sad. And a waste of 8.50 bucks. I still wanna watch The Dark Knight though. Hopefully it wouldn't disappoint. I'm open to invitations, but i kinda got some idea of who i'm watching with. LOL. Hopefully it's possible.

Anyway, to make this post seem longer, i'm gonna do some quizzes. Yay. So typical me.

Your Flirt Quotient

You are 67% Flirt

LOL. Anyway, that's all.

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