Sunday, August 10

Can't think of one that would do this post justice

I realise that *most* of the time when i post, it's just to talk about emo stuff. And emo in front of the computer. LOL. At least this one *won't* be an emo post. I *swear*. It's gonna be a random one. =) Dun say i didn't warn you.

Now, what shall i talk about? Ooh, i know. *National Day*. Or National Day celebrations in school, since i didn't really watch the parade on television. It was *kinda* Or interesting. Whatever. The marching was okay... But couldn't really see much, since i wasn't standing in front. LOL. Not that it would have made *much* difference. I mean, i'm not a UG person, so wouldn't have been able to tell if they were marching *properly*. Sec 1 foramtion thingy after that. Everyone went to the grandstand. Again, couldn't really see, this time 'cause of the pillar. LOL. But seemed quite good, taking into account the *short* time the Sec 1s were given to practise. So...yeah, well done. The performances were also pretty good. Compared to the usual stuff. No offence though. But kinda no link to National Day. I'm not complaining though. They can have this every year. =)

LOL. Didn't realise that crapping can take up *so* much space. Anyway, after school i had to stay back. Pacer's test. Spent time shooting, eating lunch and banging on the canteen/ hall piano. I think the canteen one *seriously* needs to be tuned. Then...pacer's test. And i'm happy to say i've improved! From 6.9 to 8.2. Yay for me. LOL. Went home. Slacked. Didn't do homework.

Anyway, since this *is* a random post, i shall announce that i ran 5km today. In 31.15 mins. Yay. Then went home and did sit-ups, push-ups and any other form of exercise i could think of. Dunno why, just had a sudden random burst of energy. Just *had* to do some exercise. Call me a health nut, but that's me for you.

And i got new specs! Okay, maybe it looks abit like my old one but whatever. And i wore contacts to school for the *first* time on friday. =) LOL. I'm *really* random. And i want breaking dawn! Can't believe that popular doesn't have stock. What. The. Hell. Damn. Guess i'll just have to wait, but the suspense is killing me. =(

Anyway not much left to talk about. My tagboard's *dying*. Gotta think of ways to save it. LOL.

There's a Chance You Could Be Violent

Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions.

Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act.

Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage.

LOL. Searching for my ex-classmates' blogs now. Shh. A little help would be appreciated. LOL. Found denise's and ryan's blogs. Still finding. *Very* busy. More soon.


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