Wednesday, June 11

More quizzes. God, i really must be bored. (No-lifer)

Yo. I'm back with the 100-question quiz. Abit later than i planned though. And one other quiz. Courtesy of priscilla's blog. *smiles*

1. What's the connection between you and the last person who called you?
I can't even remember WHO last called me.
2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
Um, at night? 'Cause there isn't any point in leaving my phone on when i'm sleeping and can't possibly use it.
3. What happened at 10.00am today?
I was slacking.
4. When did you last cry?
Sheesh. No need for anyone to know this right?
5. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
What CAN you eat with peanut butter?
6. What do you want in your life now?
Lotsa stuff, none of which is even remotely possible.
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
Depending. But i'd rather walk in the rain.
8. What's your favourite thing you have on your bed?
Me? Nah, kidding.
9. What bottom are you wearing now?
10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say?
You dun need to know. See, this is why i can't leave my phone lying around. People like to read my SMSes. Screw them.
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
Um. I dun think it's my fault alone. Both parties should take responsibility for it.
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from somebody?
Nuh-uh. Do i look like i need to?
13. What was the last movie you caught?
Uh, 'Shutter' during class outing in March? LOL.
14. What are you proud of?
Uh. Me being able to balance time between studies and CCA. Ha. (I get that alot.)
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
Just happy that you're over it. (From Shao Xun. You won't wanna know the details. It was a looong time ago.)
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
Teardrops On My Guitar by Taylor Swift.
17. Do you have any nickname? What are they?
Yeah duh. Fishball, YY, psychopath, yogi...(the last one was from Darren Yang. Grr.)
18. What does your last received message say? Who was it from?
Clycling. But that's scrapped now. (From Shao Xun. And why am i even answering this?!)
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
11pm. But i was thinking for an hour or so.
20. Are you currently happy?
Not really. I'm screwed.
21. Who gives you the best advice?
Myself. No, joking. A toss-up between Shao Xun and Priscilla. (See, the question was who gives the best advice, not who i'd listen to.)
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
I dun even like whipped cream.
23. Who did you talk with on the phone last night?
Uh. Jerian, Jeremy, Hong Kai. No, not at the same time.
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
The fact that i'm screwed? And that it's week 3 of the holidays and i haven't done anything about math project.
25. Who/What was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
Uh. The netballers. When we were having training.
26. Do you wear toe socks?
What the hell is that?
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
No one. I haven't had a missed call in a long time.
28. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Uh huh. 'Cause i'm so devoted sometimes.
29. What annoys you most in a person?
Uh. Arrogance and superiority.
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?As of now?
Um. I dunno if it's a crush...
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
32. What is the colour of your room?
Pale yellow, pal orange. 'Cause the fengshui guy said i should paint it that color.
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
No. I'd rather kill that person 'cause i feel like it.
34. Do you believe in the saying 'talk is cheap'?
Not really. Though sometimes saying it really just ain't enough. (Shan't be too explicit here. Ahem.)
35. Who was the last person who lay in your bed?
Me. Alone. Duh.
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
Dunno. Can't remember.
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
I kissed someone?
38. Do you have a life?
No. If i did, i wouldn't be doing this quiz.
39. Have you ever think of someone who died when they really didn't?
Sometimes. That's really scary.
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
I have a profile song?
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
Um... Saying would be obvious.
42. When was the last time you smiled?
Forgot. Sometime today, i suppose.
43. Have you changed this year?
Uh huh. More confident, manage time better and stuff. Courtesy of someone.
44. What are you listening to right now?
My mom watching TV in the living room. Some drama serial, by the sounds of it.
45. Are you talking to someone when you are doing this?
Does SMSing count?
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
Open. Same as when i lie.
47. Is there a quote you live by?
Not really.
48. Do you want someone you can't have?
Currently? Nope.
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
Uh huh. Piano. But i dun like to show off. (Unlike some people.)
50. What was the worst idea you had in a week?
Gee, i dunno. Maybe it was "putting the projects off till week 3". Or that thing about the stabbings in Japan. Or maybe it was doing this quiz.
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
Going to bed.
52. Are you happy with your love life now?
Um. Saying yes/ no to this question would meani actually have a love life. So i'm not gonna answer this question.
53. What song describe your love life?
Uh, same as above.
54. Does the person know you like him/her?
Yeah duh. Same for last few times.
55. Who always make you laugh?
You mean in general or specifically? I think KL.
56. Do you speak other languages other than English?
Chinese. 'Cause i'm Chinese. Duh.
57. Are you blond?
Uh, no? Me = totally Asian. And didn't dye hair either.
58. What is your middle name?
I have a middle name?
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
Math project at Hong Kai's house. Only good point being i'll finally get to see his house.
60. What do you think you are like?
Hmm. Good question. Attention-seeking emo?
61. Who would you choose to die with?
No one. No point having someone die with you.
62. Where have you been today?
School. CCA. Duh.
63. What game do you play often?
"randomly deleting SMSes from my phone". LOL. Kidding.
64. Who are you missing right now?
Guess. Pretty obvious. (And i'm not saying anything.)
65. If you are to choose between friends and love, who will you choose?
Love. If i really love that guy.
66. What are you doing right now?
Multi-tasking: SMSing and blogging.
67. Which primary school are you from?
Yuhua Primary School. And i think i just like the people, not the school really.
68. Name 3 colours that you like.
Black, pink, red. Must be hot pink. Sweet pink is sick.
69. What emotion do you like to show?
I'd like to say i'm cheerful, but i'm not really happy most of the time.
70. What is life to you?
"Life is a bed of roses - but roses have thorns."
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Tell someone and ask for advice.
72. Who did you last chat on msn today?
I dun even have MSN. (Yeah i know. Pathetic no-lifer.)
73. Who do you admire the most?
No one, really. I'm not one for idol worship.
74. Which month are you born in?
75. How are you feeling right now?
76. What is the time now?
77. Where are you now?
At home. Blogging.
78. What colour did you use to dye your hair?
I didn't. But maybe light brown highlights?
79. Why are you doing this test?
'Cause i'm a no-lifer.
80. What will you do if you are moody?
Send emo SMSes. Post emo posts. Think emo thoughts. Do emo things.
81. At which age do you wish to get married?
Before 30. Duh.
82. Who is more important to you?
Um. Another one of those questions that are so damn obvious.
83. Do you think you have enough confidence?
Yeah, quite alot. Some think i'm overconfident/ arrogant. Actually, i can be quite insecure at times.
84. Who is the person you trust most?
Um. Another one of tho- forget it. I'll just answer the question. Shao Xun.
85. If you have only one day left to live, what will you do?
I dunno. Do what i've always wanted to do.
86. If you can have a dream come true, what will it be?
How many times do i need to say this? It's unprintable.
87. What is your goal for this year?
Get a good enough GPA so that i can take the subject combination that i want.
88. Do you think that it's stupid to do this 100 question quiz?
Are you trying to imply that I'M stupid?!
89. What feeling do you love most?
90. Do you really think it's global warming now?
I dunno. Maybe you could stick a thermometer into the Earth and find out.
91. What is the feeling you hate the most?
Emo/ sucidal. (It's the same thing for me.)
92. Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
Uh huh. Duh.
93. Do you believe in God?
94. Who cares for you the most?
I dunno. Politically correct answer would be my family. But i have my doubts.
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Freinds. Love. Family. Oh, and studies, but that's just 'cause i wanna get a decent job next time.
96. What will you bring when you fight?
Fight? I never fight.
97. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
Um. Confessing. But then again, that was the best thing that happened. So...whatever.
98. What will you feel if no one no longer cares for you?
Sad, i suppose. How would i know? I never felt that way before.
99. What if your stead two-timed you?
Um. Can't you hear the sound of a breaking heart? LOL. "I'd be so hurt that i'd never dare to get involved in a serious relationship again."
100. Love with a guarantee of heartbreak or never to be loved at all?
Love with a guarantee of heartbreak. I'd rather have loved and lost than never have been loved/ never loved before.

Next quiz...

1. Do you like your present school?
Uh. Kinda. Mostly it's just the people i like.
2. What do you want the most now?
Privacy. Can't people give me a break? I hate rumors.
3. Who is the closest person to you in your school?
Um. Obvious answer?
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?
Nuh-uh. They're not my friends for nothing.
5. Are you afraid of death?
Nope. Though i should be.
6. What is your goal this year?
3.6 GPA. And on the non-academic side...romance? LOL. I'm an idealist.
7. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No. That, my dears, is infatuation.
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
Uh huh. I'd want to.
9. Have you ever broken someone's heart that he/she wants to commit suicide?
No. Not that i know of. But the other way round, yeah.
10. What do you enjoy doing the most?
Playing netball. Or maybe SMSing. (No wonder my SMSes always exceed.)
11. Have you ever done anything for your admirer?
I have an admirer?
12. What feeling do you hate the most?
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Like, that's a big fat DUH.
14. Who would you probably spend the rest of your life with?
Um. My future husband?
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Friends. Family. Love.
16. Do you find life meaningless?
No, not most of the time, no.
17. Who do you love the most?
Can i not answer that? It's obvious, really.
18. Who do you talk to most in school?
I dunno. KL, i suppose. I sit next to the guy.
19. What are you listening to now?
TV in the living room.
20. Tag 8 people to do this quiz.
Nah, i won't.

And that's all. Hope you didn't read through all of that, 'cause you'd have to be really bored to do that.

Gotta do math project tomorrow and history the day after. Sian. But well, that's life. Maybe writing a proper post soon. And inviting loads more people. Pri sch friendsand netballers. LOL.


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