Monday, June 9

This is such a total rip-off

I'm bored today. Nothing much to talk about. So i'm gonna do some quizzes instead. Yay.

(10) firsts
first best friend : Uh. This guy in primary school. Can't remember the name.

first pet : Haven't had a pet. Dun plan on getting one in the near future.

first piercing : Dun have. Yet.

first crush : Um. My P1 best friend. LOL.

first CD : I'm thinking Linkin Park.

first car : Hotwheels. If that's even counted.

first stuffed animal : Um... This cute dog thing.

first love : You probably dun need to know that...

first place called home : Bukit Batok (before i moved to JE)

(9) lasts
last beverage : Milk. I know, i'm healthy.

last car ride : Uh, just nowwhen my mom drove me to the mall?

last movie seen : Oh. I need to think... Nope, can't remember.

last phone call : KL. Feeling pissed with him now. (Wasted 15 mins of my time!)

last song you listened to : Whatsername by Green Day

last bubble bath : Never had one.

last time you cried : Monday night. Dun ask.

last thing you ate : Chocolate. *smiles*

last bad thing you did : Shopping. And spending lotsa money.

(8) have you evers
have you ever dated one of your best friend : No. But since i dun exactly have many guy best friends...

have you ever been arrested : No. What do you take me for, some kinda juvenile delinquent?

have you been skinny dipped : What the hell is that!?

have you ever been on a limo : Yeah. In my dreams.

have you ever cheated : Dun remember. (And even if i did, i wouldn't be telling.)

have you ever been in love : Um...Yeah.

have you ever been in a car accident : Nope.

have you ever broken a bone : Nuh-uh.

(7) things you are wearing
A red shirt. Black shorts. Specs. Jacket. (Wait, that's only 4?!)

(6) things you've done today
Netball training. Waited for KL at JE. Went home and had lunch. Showered. Went shopping for clothes. Blogging.

(5) favourite things
Friends. Reading. SMSing. Family. Music.

(4) people you tell almost everything to
Shao Xun. Um...Priscilla? (Though not really EVERYTHING. Sorry pris.) Gosh, there doesn't seem to be anyone else.

(3) choices
black or white : Black. (But i'm not really that dark and gloomy...)

hot or cold : Cold. 'Cause you'd have the excuse to ask for a hug. =)

chocolate or vanilla : Chocolate. Duh. Who in their right mind would choose vanilla?!

(2) things you want to do before you die
Marry the guy i love. Get rich. Duh.

(1) thing you regret
Not being bolder.

Done: 5/6/08

Here's another one:

1. At what age do you want to get married?
I should hope that it happens before i'm 30. Else i'd rather be single.

2. What do you want to do most now?
Teleport...somewhere. Like, you know. In 'Jumper'.

3. Who is the person you trust the most?
Um. The person who trusts me the most?

4. Are you happy with your current life?
Well...I can think of a million ways it could improve, but right now? Yeah, more or less.

5. If you can have a dream come true, what is it?
I told you, it's unprintable.

6. If you can have another dream come true, what will it be?
To have everyone else's dreams to come true. Except for any that will contradict mine. Ha.

7. What are you afraid of now?
Nothing, really. And even if i WAS afraid of something, i wouldn't say. That'll be my weakness, the chink in my armour out in the open. Not happening. (Paranoid, i know. But you can't really blame me.)

8. Who do you cherish the most?
People who care about me. No, not those who pretend to care. I'm sure whoever they are, they have a pretty good idea.

9. If you meet someone you love, will you confess to him/her?
If it complicates our current relationship (friends, acquaintances, whatever), no. I'm not making the same mistake twice.

10. How would you spend 200 bucks if you have to?
That's rather little... LOL. I think i'd go for a meal. Something expensive, with a couple of friends. Then go shopping with whatever's left. (Yes, it occurred to me that i could save it. No, i'm not gonna go against my principle of "spend first, talk later".)

11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Love me. Care for me. Trust me. (Come to think of it, he must be trustworthy too. At least to me.)

12. What type of person do you hate the most?
Petty people. Irritating people. People who break promises. People who have bad attitude and do nothing about it.

13. Do you cherish every single one of your relationships?
Yeah. Very much. What's the point of a relationship if it's like, half-hearted?

14. Would you rather be alone or in a group?
I'd like people to think i'm a sociable person but most of the time? I'd rather be alone.

15. What do you think is the most important thing in life?

16. If you get a billion dollars, where do you want it to come from?
Something that i've done myself. My job, maybe. I want to have earned it instead of getting it from others. (Yeah, independent, i know.)

17. At this point of time, would you rather stay in your comfort zone or try something new?
You mean now? This minute? There isn't much stuff to be tried out, is there? But yeah, i think i'd try something new. I dun particularly like routines.

18. Why do you think you have friends?
It's my irresistable charm... Nah. I'm not that egoistic/ mock arrogant, whichever you prefer. Honestly? I dun know. I should think i wouldn't have any friends. Just look at the kind of person i am: some attention-seeking emo who takes every chance to be sarcastic. I wonder what my friends see in me.

19. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
Nothing. No, seriously. I like myself just the way i am. If someone doesn't like me, tough. You either like me or you dun. And if you dun, just get the hell outta my life. I'm sure i dun need people like those around.

20. If you are dying in a day's time, what will you do?
Those things that i've always wanted to do, but couldn't? Those places i've always wanted to go to, but couldn't? Those words i always wanted to say, but haven't? Yeah. All that. Or maybe i'll live the day normally and die quietly. In some remote place. No one has to know, right? And not many would care.

21. Tag 8 people.
Nah. I shan't.

Done: 6/6/08

And the last quiz...

3 names you go by
- Yuyan
- Fishball (It's not my fault you people can't pronounce my name properly. It's a very cultured name okay?!)
- Psychopath (Okay, so it was only for a short while at the start of last year. Who cares. I mean, i can't think of anything else.)

3 screennames you have had
- Arya
- YY
- that girl (Fine. So i give up. I admit. Go ahead. Laugh/ spread rumors/ whatever.)

3 physical things you like about yourself
- Height
- Eyes (If you look really closely, i actually have double eyelids. Applause, please. Who would have thought?)
- Hair

3 parts of your heritage
- Height
- Temper
- Um, my character. Kinda.

3 things that scare you
- The future (Uncertainty and such. Y'know.)
- Rejection (Who can blame me?)
- Loss

3 of your everyday essentials
- Mobile phone. I seriously can't live without it. I dun understand how you people can reply SMSes after like, a day or something. One word: LAG.
- Clothes. Duh. Who doesn't need 'em? (Wait. Dun tell me. I dun wanna know.)
- My blank wall. Or armour, or pretenses or whatever you wanna call them. It ain't physical, but it's very important. How do you think i managed to get through days of emotional crap and still seem so happy? (Though i'm breaking down more often these days. Must be getting rusty.)

3 things you are wearing right now
- Pink shirt.
- White shorts.
- Red jacket.

3 of your favourite bands or musical artists
- Avril Lavigne
- Fall Out Boy
- Linkin Park (I know, you must be thinking, WTH. The girl likes these two bands?!)
3 of your favourite songs
- When You're Gone by Avril Lavigne
- Me and You by Fall Out Boy (Forgot the long, long title.)
- Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park
(See a pattern?)

3 things you want in a relationship
- Love.
- Trust.
- Romantic dates. (What, i'm not allowed to be shallow and bimbo-ish for once?)

2 truths and 1 lie (in no particular order)
- I sometimes feel sucidal.
- I may be the luckiest girl in the world. (At least, that's what it is to me.)
- I'm not enthu.

3 physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to you
- Shoulders.
- Hands/ arms.
- Hair.

3 of your favourite hobbies
- Reading.
- SMSing.
- Thinking and fantasizing. (I'm not saying about what.)

3 things you want to do badly right now
- SMS someone.
- Have someone SMS me.
- Um. I choose to publicise the lesser of the two evils: i wanna see someone badly.

3 careers you're considering/you've considered
- Animal rights activist (Is that even a job? And that was when i was younger and crazy about animals. Now, SO much more cynical.)
- Doctor (Maybe.)
- Teacher

3 places you want to go on vacation
- Japan (Even though i've been there before.)
- U. S. A. (More specifically, New York)
- Europe (Tour of it, which must include at least 3 different countries. *smiles*)

3 names you like
They dun HAVE to be girls' names or English names only right?
- Ryan (Sorry...)
- Miyuki (It's random. Dun ask.)
- Gaia (Anyone who have read 'Fearless' should know.)

3 things you want to do before you die
Actually there's so much stuff i wanna do... LOL.
- Get married. To my true love. (Idealist, i know.)
- Have a successful career.
- See a rainbow. (Yes, i know. And no, i haven't seen a rainbow up till now.)

3 ways you are stereotyping a boy
Wait, you talking about me or in general? I'm gonna assume it's about me, since i'm such an egoist.
- I DO NOT like wearing skirts/ dresses. In fact i dun even own a dress. LOL.
- I'm more "shuang kuai" than most. (read: not petty)
- I've never put on make-up in the whole 14 years of my life. (Until Pris decided i should, for OM. But then ZH did too.)

3 ways you are stereotyping a girl
- I "squeal over allegedly cute stuff". (Though not as much as some.)
- I take over half an hour in the bathroom every morning.
- I like shuai guys. (So unless i'm a guy who's gay, i'm most certainly a girl.)

3 celeb crushes
Not everyone chooses to go crazy over some guy whom they hardly know, other than through portrayal of characters or songs. But i suppose if i must...
Daniel Radcliffe was kinda cute.
But not anymore. More's the pity. And i really can't think of anyone else i actually cared enough. Even the above mentioned actor only caught my attention 'cause of the movie contents. Not his looks or whatever.

3 people that I would like to see take this quiz
- SX (Though i doubt you'd be bored enough to do it.)
- KL (Pity he doesn't have a blog. LOL.)
- Uh. Jerian?
I'm putting guys down 'cause i'm assuming most of the girls (or those who matter, anyway) have done this quiz. Or whatever reason you all wanna think.
Done: 9/6/08
That's all for now. Might do that 100 question quiz on Priscilla's blog tommorow.

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