Thursday, May 15

Life is a bed of roses - and roses have thorns.

Haiz. Life sucks.
... Actually, i'm just generally pissed. No idea why. Wait, i think i do. It's all 'cause of HER.

Oh what the heck, i'll just put her name here. What's the worst that could happen? Nothing she can do to me will ever scare me. HER = jasmine. A. K. A. "that irritating, extra, annoying, pain-in-my-*** girl". Who never gets a hint, no matter how obvious.

(I know i'm being random again, but still.)
Jasmine sucks. She topped the class for science. WTH. Hate her. Now she's all cocky and stuff. Damn her lah.

And her voice sucks lah. Still wanna sing. Spoil the whole group's song. Lousy lah. Stupid girl. LOL. I might continue insulting her. But i guess it's enough for now. Dun wanna foul my blog too much. It makes people sick just thinking/ seeing her, see. Kind, thoughtful me. LOL.


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