Friday, May 30

It's no fun when you're alone

Since shieu huei asked me so nicely to do this quiz, i shall be kind enough to attempt it. (LOL. Where did that come from?)

1. What do you think an ideal best friend should be like?
Uh. Someone who knows you really well, accepts you for who you are and is (almost) always there for you?

2. If you can have a dream come true, what is it?
Um. It's unprintable. Really. I wanna keep this blog PG, see.

3. Who's butt would you like to kick the most now?
No one, actually.

4. What will you do if you have a billion dollars?
Uh, spend it? What else can i do with it? No point keeping it. Currency will drop, y'know.

5. What's your ideal person like?
Kinda like a best friend actually. But more so. And cares for me. Alot. (Yeah, i know. High expectations.)

6. Which is more blessed? To love someone? Or to be loved by someone?
To love someone. Duh.

7. Is there anything that had made you extremely happy?
Uh. Not really. Or maybe i'm just a very negative/ pessimistic person.

8. Define 'LOVE'.'
Well. From personal experiences, i think i'd say it can be described as 'bittersweet'. There isn't one definition. As far as i know.

9. If the person you liked secretly is attached, what will you do?
... Jump off a building. No, seriously. I'm one sad, pathetic person.

10. How would you see yourself in 10 years' time?
Um. Attached and contented? Or single and regretful. (I know. I'm just listing out the possibilities. Dun blame me. I'm lame.)

11. Who are currently the most important people to you?
Friends. Uh, more-than-friendly friends. School. (As if.) My (non-existent) social life. Family.

12. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Uh. Shieu Huei? Kinda cute girl. Spastic (most of the time). Sometimes really "should whack". LOL.

13. Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor?
Married and poor. (I'm an idealist, i know. Romantic and stuff. LOL.)

14. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Check my mobile phone for SMSes. Seriously. I'm a SMS junkie.

15. Would you give all in a relationship?
Um, depending...? But yeah, if i really liked the guy.

16. How would you rate the perfection of your life now?
Hmm. Now? As in, this minute? I'd say a 6, at least. Or maybe a 7. =)

17. What type of person do you hate the most?
B****es. Really. People who think they're better than others. Irritating, annoying people. People who are lame. People who are overly-dramatic/ emotional/ helpful... And the list goes on. Sorry, lotsa people piss me off. Sometimes i hate myself too.

18. Tag 8 people to do this quiz.
Do i have to? Nah. Dun feel like it. You know me, never doing what i'm told.

Yep. That's the end of the quiz. If you read through it you probably know me better. Or maybe not, since i dun always tell the truth. In fact, how do you know that i'm not lying right now? LOL.

Anyway, abrupt change of topic. Freakin' projects. I STILL dunno my math group. Will someone please help me??! LOL. (Oops. Using too many lols.)

Looking forward to the class outing. And can we take cable car there? Please? *flashes a smile* Nothing else to talk about. Another post sometime soon, i promise.


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